Course Name: The Methodology of the Scholars of Hadith
Course Teacher: Shaikh Isa Khan (Master's Research Student, College of Hadith and Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Madinah)
Course Book: Manahij al-Muhaddithin (The Methodology of the Scholars of Hadith), published by: Ihsan Center for Prophets Sunnah Studies in Madinah (Developed in accordance with the syllabus of this course for the College of Hadith and Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Madinah)
Number of Recorded Video Lectures: 25
Total Number of Hours: 30 hours
Method of Assessment: One x 2-hour end-of-course self-assessment examination
Prerequisites: None
General Description of the Course: The course consists of: introductory precepts regarding Manahij al-Muhaddithin (the methodologies of the scholars of Hadith) and how to gain knowledge of them, acquaintance with the various types of authorship in Hadith and its sciences, from books arranged according to al-Abwab (chapters of branches of the religion) and al-Masanid (names of the narrators), al-Jam bainal-Kutub (combining previous books of Hadith together into one book), al-Mukhtasarat (summarizing them), ash-Shuruh (explaining them), az-Zawaid (collecting Ahadith from books that are not present in other particular books), and the distinct features that the scholars of Hadith employed compiling their books during the various stages of Hadith narration.
Main Objective of the Course: Familiarization with the different types of literature in Hadith and its sciences, the methodologies that the scholars of Hadith followed whilst authoring their books, and the distinct techniques that were used during the eras of Hadith narration.
Learning Outcomes of the Course: Upon successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
1- Clarify the meaning of Manahij al-Muhaddithin (the methodologies of the scholars of Hadith), the importance of knowing these methodologies, the different ways of obtaining knowledge of a particular methodology, and the various categories of these methodologies.
2- Explain when authorship in the subject of Manahij al-Muhaddithin began and how it developed over time, and mention the distinct techniques that were used during the eras of Hadith narration.
3- List the different types of books that follow a particular methodology, and name the most important books in each type.
4- Describe the distinct features of each specific methodology that the scholars used.
5- Identify the methodology and type of any book that they read from the books of Hadith.
Scope and Syllabus: Topics covered in the syllabus may include, but are not limited to:
Firstly: Introductory precepts regarding Manahij al-Muhaddithin (the methodologies of the scholars of Hadith):
1- Meaning of Manahij al-Muhaddithin, the importance of knowing these methodologies, the different ways of obtaining knowledge of a particular methodology, and the various categories of these methodologies
2- Emergence of authorship in the subject of Manahij al-Muhaddithin and its development over time, and the distinct features that the scholars of Hadith employed compiling their books during the various stages of Hadith narration.
3- Books discussing the methodologies of the various scholars of Hadith, and reference books authored in the subject of Manahij al-Muhaddithin.
Secondly: Books arranged according to al-Abwab (chapters of branches of the religion):
1- Introduction to the types of books that have been authored using this method: al-Jawami, as-Sihah, as-Sunan, al-Muwattaat, al-Musannafaat, al-Mustadrakat, and al-Mustakhrajat, along with the definition of these types, the first scholar to author in each type, their subject matter, the way Ahadith are arranged in them, their status among the books of Hadith, and the most famous books authored in each type.
2- as-Sihah: "Sahih al-Bukhari" and "Sahih Muslim": a study of each book which includes: a brief biography of the author, the complete name of the book, the reason behind its compilation, the methodology of the author in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, the number of Ahadith it contains, the types of Ahadith it includes, its various narrations, its most important manuscript copies, its well-known printed editions, and the services of later scholars to it, extracting the aforementioned by reading specific portions of the book.
3- "Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah": a biography of the author, the status of his book, and his methodology in it, extracting the aforementioned by reading specific portions of the book.
4- "Sahih Ibn Hibban": a biography of the author, the status of his book, and his methodology in it, extracting the aforementioned by reading specific portions of the book.
5- "al-Muntaqa" of Ibn Jarud and "al-Mukhtarah" of ad-Diya al-Maqdisi: biographies of their authors, the status of their books, and their methodologies in them.
6- as-Sunan: "Sunan Abi Dawud", "Sunan at-Tirmidhi", "Sunan an-Nasai", and "Sunan Ibn Majah": a study of each book which includes: a brief biography of the author, the complete name of the book, the reason behind its compilation, the methodology of the author in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, the conditions of the author for including Ahadith in it, the ruling of its Ahadith, the number of Ahadith it contains, its various narrations, its most important manuscript copies, its well-known printed editions, and the services of later scholars to it and contemporary studies around it, extracting the aforementioned by reading specific portions of the book.
7- "Muwatta Malik": a biography of the author, the status of his book, the reason behind its compilation and its name, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, his conditions for including Ahadith in it, the types of Ahadith it includes, its various narrations, the ruling of its Ahadith, the number of Ahadith it contains, the services of later scholars to it, its well-known printed editions, and its most famous explanations, extracting the aforementioned by reading specific portions of the book.
8- "Musannaf Abdur-Razzaq": a biography of the author, the status of his book, the reason behind its compilation, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, his conditions for including Ahadith in it, its narrations, the services of later scholars to it, and its well-known printed editions.
9- "Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaibah": a biography of the author, the status of his book, the reason behind its compilation, his methodology in the book, its narrations, and its well-known printed editions.
10- "Mustadrak al-Hakim": a biography of the author, the status of his book, the reason behind its compilation, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, the ruling of its Ahadith, the aspects of the book that have been criticized, the services of later scholars to it, and its well-known printed editions.
11- "Mustakhraj al-Ismaili ala Sahih al-Bukhari" and "Mustakhraj Abi Awanah ala Sahih Muslim": biographies of their authors, the status of their books, and their methodologies in them.
Thirdly: Books authored in al-Abwab al-Khassah (specific chapters):
1- Introduction to the books that have been authored in collecting Ahadith about az-Zuhd (asceticism) and ar-Raqaiq (heart softeners): a study of the book "az-Zuhd" of Waki.
2- Introduction to the books that have been authored in collecting Ahadith about al-Aqaid (creed): a study of the book "at-Tawhid" of Ibn Khuzaimah.
3- Introduction to the books that have been authored in collecting Ahadith about al-Aadab (etiquettes): a study of the book "al-Adab al-Mufrad" of al-Bukhari.
4- Introduction to the books that have been authored in collecting Ahadith about adh-Adhkar (remembrance of Allah): a study of the book "ad-Dua" of at-Tabarani.
Fourthly: Books arranged according to al-Masanid al-Ma'ajim (names of the narrators):
1- Definition of al-Masanid, their subject matter, the way Ahadith are arranged in them, the beginning of authorship in this method, and the most famous books that follow this methodology.
2- "Musnad Ahmad": a biography of the author, the status of his book, the reason behind its compilation, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, his conditions for including Ahadith in it, its various narrations, the ruling of its Ahadith, the number of Ahadith it contains, the services of later scholars to it, and its well-known printed editions.
3- "Musnad Abi Yala": a biography of the author, the status of his book, the reason behind its compilation, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, the ruling of its Ahadith, and its well-known printed editions.
4- "al-Mujam al-Kabir", "al-Mujam al-Awsat" and "al-Mujam al-Saghir" of at-Tabarani: a biography of the author, the status of these books, the reason behind their compilation, his methodology in these books, the way Ahadith are arranged in them, the ruling of their Ahadith, and their well-known printed editions.
Fifthly: Books authored in Gharib al-Hadith (rare words found in the texts of the Ahadith):
1- Definition of Gharib al-Hadith, and the scholars who authored books in this method.
2- A study of the book "Gharib al-Hadith" of Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Sallam.
3- A study of the book "Gharib al-Hadith" of Ibn Qutaibah.
4- A study of the book "Gharib al-Hadith" of al-Khattabi.
5- A study of the book "al-Nihayah fi Gharib al-Hadith" of Ibnul-Athir.
Sixthly: Books authored in al-Jam bain Kutub Muayyinah (combining specific books of Hadith together into one book):
1- Definition of al-Jam bain Kutub Muayyinah, the categories of books that were combined into one book, and the most important combinations ("al-Lulu wal-Marjan fima Ittafaqa alaihi ash-Shaikhan" of Mohammed Fuad Abdul-Baqi, "al-Jam bain as-Sahihain" of al-Humaidi, "al-Jam bain as-Sahihain" of Abdul-Haq al-Ishbili.
2- A study of the book "Jami al-Usul" of Ibnul-Athir: a biography of the author, the status of his book, and his methodology in the book.
Seventhly: Books authored in Ikhtisar al-Kutub as-Sabiqah (summarization of previous books):
1- Definition of al-Ikhtisar, its rules, and the books of Hadith that have been summarized.
2- A study of the book: "Mukhtasar Sahih al-Bukhari" of az-Zabidi.
3- A study of the book: "Mukhtasar Sahih Muslim" of al-Mundhiri.
Eighthly: Books authored in Tartib al-Kutub as-Sabiqah (rearrangement of previous books):
1- Definition of at-Tartib, and its necessity.
2- A study of the book: "al-Fath al-Rabbani" of as-Sa'ati.
3- A study of the book: "al-Ihsan fi Taqrib Sahih Ibn Hibban" of Ibn Balban.
Ninthly: Books authored in Sharh al-Kutub al-Hadithiyyah (explanation of the books of Hadith):
1- Definition of ash-Shuruh, its importance, and the branches of knowledge these books contain.
2- A study of the book: "Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari" of Ibn Rajab.
3- A study of the book: "Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari" of Ibn Hajar.
4- A study of the book: "al-Minhaj fi Sharh Sahih Muslim" of an-Nawawi.
5- A study of the book: "Awn al-Mabud Sharh Sunan Abi Dawud" of al-Adhimabadi.
6- A study of the book: "Tuhfah al-Ahwadhi Sharh Sunan at-Tirmidhi" of al-Mubarakfuri.
Tenthly: Books authored in collecting Ahadith about at-Targhib and at-Tarhib (motivation and deterrence):
1- Definition of at-Targhib and at-Tarhib, and the beginning of authorship in this method.
2- A study of the book: " at-Targhib and at-Tarhib” of al-Mundhiri.
Eleventhly: Books authored in az-Zawaid (collecting Ahadith from books that are not present in other particular books):
1- Definition of az-Zawaid, their benefits, the way Ahadith are arranged in them, the first scholar to author in this method, and the most famous books that follow this methodology.
2- A study of the book: "Misbah az-Zujajah fi Zawaid Ibn Majah" of al-Busiri: a biography of the author, the status of his book, its subject matter, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, the ruling of its Ahadith, the aspects of the book that have been criticized, and its well-known printed editions.
3- A study of the book: "Majma az-Zawaid wa Manba al-Fawaid" of al-Haithami: a biography of the author, the status of his book, its subject matter, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, the ruling of its Ahadith, the aspects of the book that have been criticized, and its well-known printed editions.
4- A study of the book: "al-Matalib al-Aliyah bi-Zawaid al-Masanid ath-Thamaniyah" of Ibn Hajar: a biography of the author, the status of his book, its subject matter, his methodology in the book, the way Ahadith are arranged in it, the ruling of its Ahadith, the aspects of the book that have been criticized, and its well-known printed editions.
Course Fee: $100 CAD
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