Course Name: The Science of Prophetic Hadith (1)
Course Teacher: Shaikh Ahrar Mohammed Shareef (Phd Research Scholar, and Lecturer of Hadith and its Sciences at the College of Hadith and Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Madinah)
Course Book: Mustalah al-Hadith - 1 (The Science of Prophetic Hadith), published by: Ihsan Center for Prophets Sunnah Studies in Madinah (Developed in accordance with the syllabus of this course for the College of Hadith and Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Madinah)
Number of Recorded Video Lectures: 30
Total Number of Hours: 30 hours
Method of Assessment: One x 2-hour end-of-course self-assessment examination
Prerequisites: None
General Description of the Course: The course consists of: introductory precepts regarding Mustalah al-Hadith (the science of Prophetic Hadith), the various categorizations of Prophetic Hadith, and acquaintance with the main terminologies used by the scholars of Hadith in classifying Ahadith.
Main Objective of the Course: Familiarization with Mustalah al-Hadith (the science of Prophetic Hadith), understanding the main terminologies of this science, and applying it correctly to the Prophetic Sunnah.
Learning Outcomes of the Course: Upon successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
1- Clarify the emergence and progression of Mustalah al-Hadith (the science of Prophetic Hadith).
2- Explain the terminologies of this science and define them.
3- Divide the Prophetic Hadith based on its various categorizations.
4- Mention examples for each terminology from Prophetic Ahadith.
5- Identify the differences between each terminology.
Scope and Syllabus: Topics covered on the syllabus may include, but are not limited to:
Firstly: Introductory precepts regarding Mustalah al-Hadith (the science of Prophetic Hadith):
1- Meaning of Mustalah al-Hadith, its subject matter, its various names, its importance, and its benefits.
2- Stages of authorship in Mustalah al-Hadith, and the most important books in it.
3- Definitions of oft-repeated terminologies in this science: as-Sunnah, al-Hadith, al-Athar, al-Khabar, al-Isnad, as-Sanad, al-Matan, al-Musnid, al-Muhaddith, and al-Hafidh.
Secondly: Categorization of Prophetic Hadith based on the number of chains of narrations and how it reached us:
1- al-Mutawatir: its definition, conditions, ruling, categories, examples, and the books that have been authored in this type.
2- al-Aahad: its definition, example, ruling, and categories.
a. al-Mashur: its definition, examples, and the difference between it and al-Mushtahir ala al-Alsinah.
b. al-Aziz: its definition, and examples.
c. al-Gharib: its definition, categories, and examples.
Thirdly: Categorization of Prophetic Hadith based where the chain of narration ends and who it is ascribed to:
1- al-Qudsi: its definition, examples, the difference between it and the Quran and between it and al-Hadith an-Nabawi, and the books that have been authored in this type.
2- al-Marfu: its definition, categories, examples, those Ahadith that have the ruling of being ascribed to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ even though he is not explicitly mentioned in them, and the difference between it and al-Qudsi.
3- al-Mawquf: its definition, examples, and the books in which Mawquf Ahadith can be found in large numbers.
4- al-Maqtu: its definition, examples, the books in which Maqtu Ahadith can be found in large numbers, and some scholars of Hadith using the terminology al-Munqati for it.
(*) al-Musnad: its definitions, and examples.
(*) al-Muttasil: its definitions, and examples.
Fourthly: Categorization of Prophetic Hadith based on acceptance and rejection:
1- al-Maqbul (acceptable Hadith):
a. as-Sahih: its definition, conditions, categories, examples, ruling, that which authenticity of a Hadith necessitates, the first scholar of Hadith who authored a book exclusively compiling Sahih Ahadith, the books that have been authored in this type, the various levels of Sahih Ahadith, the most authentic chains of narrations, and the difference between the rulings of the scholars of Hadith in saying: "Hadith Sahih" (this is a Sahih Hadith) and "Isnad Sahih" (this is a Sahih chain of narration).
b. al-Hasan: its definition, conditions, categories, examples, ruling, the books in which Hasan Ahadith can be found in large numbers, and the meaning of the statement of at-Tirmidhi: "Hasan Sahih" (combining both Sahih and Hasan).
(*) as-Sahih li-Ghairihi and al-Hasan li-Ghairihi: their definitions, examples, and rulings.
(*) Other terminologies used by the scholars of Hadith in ruling upon Maqbul Ahadith: al-Jayyid, al-Qawi, as-Salih, ath-Thabit, and al-Mujawwad.
(*) al-Itibar li al-Mutabaat wa ash-Shawahid: its definition, the meaning of al-Mutabah and ash-Shahid, the difference between them, the categories of al-Mutabah, examples, the chains of narrations that are accepted as al-Mutabaat and ash-Shawahid.
2- al-Mardud (rejected Hadith): ad-Daif: its definition, examples, various levels, categories, the causes for weakness of Ahadith, and the most weak chains of narrations, the ruling of narrating Daif Ahadith, the ruling of acting upon Daif Ahadith, and the books in which Daif Ahadith can be found in large numbers.
a. Types of Daif Ahadith due to al-Inqita (a break in the chain of narration):
1) al-Munqati: its definition, examples, ruling, and the difference between it and al-Maqtu.
2) al-Muallaq: its definition, types, examples, ruling, and the ruling of Muallaq Ahadith in the Sahihain.
3) al-Mursal: its definition, the types of Ahadith it is used for, examples, ruling, and the books that have been authored in this type.
(*) Mursal ash-Sahabi: its definition, examples, and ruling.
4) al-Mudal: its definition, examples, ruling, and connection to al-Munqati and al-Muallaq.
5) al-Mudallas: its definition, the categories of at-Tadlis, examples, the ruling of at-Tadlis, the ruling of the narration of the Mudallis narrator, and the books that have been authored in this type.
6) al-Mursal al-Khafi: its definition, examples, ruling, and the books that have been authored in this type.
(*) al-Isnad al-Muanan: its definition, examples, and conditions for accepting the Muanan chain of narration.
(*) al-Mazid fi Mutassil al-Asanid: its definitions, conditions, examples, and the books that have been authored in this type.
Course Fee: $100 CAD
(Course material will be sent via email to registered students)
Sample Lecture:
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